The project
Borderscapes, based at University of Liverpool, is an AHRC-funded research project led by Professor Stefania Tufi (PI), alongside Dr Jessica Hampton (PDRA). The project aims to generate new understandings of borders as everyday practices that we engage with, as internalised conceptualisations of spaces of belonging (and of exclusion), and as mechanisms that crystallise othering processes. The role of language emerges as central to these practices.
Part of this research engaged with secondary school pupils in the Liverpool area to examine how young people, drawing on their linguistic and cultural backgrounds, reconstruct, renegotiate and resist the relationship between nature and culture.
The Borderscapes digital exhibition is a collection of artwork, poetry and photography created by secondary school pupils participating in the Borderscapes research project. Pupils were invited to create an artefact representing their identity, paying particular attention to the place they live in, the languages and cultures that they are familiar with and the way they relate to the natural world.
Every image on this site, including those used for icons and banners, has been produced by the pupils themselves.
For more information on the Borderscapes research project, please visit our research website.
A note of thanks
This research would have not been possible without the support of the teaching staff at the four participating secondary schools. With special thanks in particular to,​​
Scott Davenport
Lucy Irving
Simon Baron
Rebecca Kenehan
Michelle Dempsey
Amy Yorke